Difference in size relate to the differences in character

How does the difference in size relate to the differences in character and institutions between the Lilliputians and Brobdingnagians in Gulliver’s Travels?


“Gulliver’s Travels” is a 1726 prose written by Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a travel-minded Englishman who was trained as a surgeon who sailed to sea when his business failed. Rarely does the narrative of the dying first-person show any signs of self-reflection or a deeply sensitive response, as Gulliver describes the adventures he undertook on these trips.

Contrast between the Lilliputians and Brobdingnagians

In Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels, the size of Lilliputians is measured by the size of their Thoughts about themselves. but Brobdingnagian their mindset is always more and better to use towards their people and kind-hearted that resemblance of the physical size.

In voyage 1 Gulliver’s Travels voyage to Lilliput, Lilliputians are small in size, The Lilliputian emperor merely wants to use his authority and entertainment. He did it because of his subjects’ minor errors or because they annoyed him in some way. The Mindset and spirits of a little size Swift mock the corrupt political methods of the Lilliputians. The Lilliputians first got along with Gulliver, but when he refused to assist them safeguard their interests, they resolved to murder him.

In voyage 2 Gulliver’s Travels voyage to Brobdingnag, The Brobdingnag’s are giant, The King of Brobdingnag is a true intellectual who cares for his subjects and likes to think about the complexities of life. Giant Brodingnagians are as broad in intellect and morality as their bodies. Swift not only uses the Brobdingnagian government system to mock the government, but he also explicitly uses the King of Brobdingnag to mock the English government. Brobdingnagians treat Gulliver as a plaything. When he tries to talk seriously about England with the King of Brobdingnag, the King rejects the English selfish culture, showing that in-depth discussions are not possible for Gulliver here.

The Lilliputians are tiny, but the people of Brobdingnag are enormous. Although the Lilliputians are self-sufficient, the inhabitants of Brobdingnag are more considerate and communist. Gossip makes Lilliputians happy. They’re a bit vulgar, and they never stop gossiping. The Lilliput emperor, in particular, is only interested in amusement and the exercise of his power. Gulliver and the Brobdingnagian king had numerous philosophical and ethical talks. Lilliput’s emperor is unbelievably little. He is short in stature, yet he has a strong desire for lots of things. He has an exaggerated personality and way of thinking.


As well as telling a good adventure story, Swift has a goal at Gulliver’s Travels. Behind the camouflage of his description, he is mocking the smallness of human nature in general by emphasizing the six-inch height of Lilliputians. The main difference between Lilliputian and Brobdingnagians is character. The Lilliputians, though small in size, were cruel, disrespectful, and ungrateful to Gulliver. The Brobdingnagian, on the other hand, though like giants, were benevolent, virtuous, and respectful of Gulliver.

by Ador

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